By Rick Steves
Avalon Travel, $12.99, 236 pages
If it’s your first trip to Paris, or you’re going back for more, who better to guide you than Rick Steves? His latest travel book, Pocket Paris, is as essential as your money belt. Here, Steves helps you get your bearings so that you can competently get around and get the most out of your trip. He offers self-guided tours to Paris’ most popular attractions.
His suggested walks take you through one neighborhood at a time so you don’t find yourself zigzagging from one end of the city to the other. Travel tips include avoiding crowds, saving money… right down to the nearest toilet and where you can fill your water bottle! Brief descriptions of cafes and hotels are helpful in narrowing down your options and a foldout map completes it. For travelers short on time, this abbreviated guide book is a practical purchase.
Reviewed by Alicea Swett
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