By Larisa White
AuthorHouse, $17.99, 21 pages
For such a cute title and charming cover, Teacup Rhymes for Teacup Humans was a vast disappointment. The language of the poetry was like that of a person who doesn’t have English as their first language. Words that were obviously intended to rhyme didn’t. Conjunctions were not used correctly, and it didn’t appear to be stylistically chosen for the sake of the poetry. The pictures on the pages were a mixture of clip art and magazine photos meant to represent the subjects each poem covered. Admittedly, the subjects were all childish and likeable, such as ice cream and umbrellas, but the substance of the poems was too personal to the author and not relatable from a child’s perspective. For example, a poem about something as simple as a house talked more about the architect Ted, than about what a house is. The book as a whole is not worth the time or money. Readers interested in poetry aimed at children should just stick with Where the Sidewalk Ends rather than this anthology.
Reviewed by Rachelle Barrett
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