By Donna Love Illustrated by Shennen Bersani
Sylvan Dell Publishing, $16.95, 32 pages
Like Chicken Little who consulted his friends when he thought the sky was falling, Peter Pika (a small mammal) is sure that they glaciers are melting. He must find his friends to discover the root of the problem. Tammy Ptarmigan, Sally Squirrel, Mandy Marmot, and Harry Hare join Peter Pika on his quest to consult with the Mountain Monarch about the disappearing ice. Donna Love’s The Glaciers are Melting! tells an important ecological story and asks young readers to think about what will happen to the world and the animals in it when the glaciers are gone. Where will the animals live, what will they eat, how will they survive? Enjoy the book’s educational section with additional information on glaciers, a true or false game, an animal matching activity, and more easy-to-understand scientific material. Whether read at home or in a classroom, adults and children can do the included activities together. Learn about new and unique animals. Illustrator Shennen Bersani brings nature to life on each page. Let this book help start a conversation between you and the child in your life. Brainstorm ideas that you can do together to help make the world a better place.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin
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