Edited by Parragon
Parragon, 64 pages
Very few people are recognized by their first names alone: Cher, Madonna, and Prince are just a few. Don’t forget Elvis. People recognize him not only by his first name but by his nickname too…The King. Publisher Parragon has compiled a collection of photographs of The King to share with fans. These photos can be found in The Legend in Pictures: Elvis Presley. The book is a pictorial chronicle made up of beautiful color and black and white photos. It is organized around periods of Elvis’ life. “The Early Years” focuses on a young Elvis and his first musical experiences. “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” highlights the years of Elvis’ music career. “Elvis on Screen” concentrates on the years during which movies and acting dominated his life. Finally, “Return of The King” chronicles Elvis’ attempts to rejuvenate his career. Favorite photos will be the ones that capture backstage moments and relaxed occasions with his family. Text accompanies each picture which provides dates, names and trivia. This great coffee table book will be enjoyed by fans for years to come.
Don’t Be Cruel to a Book This Cool
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin
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