By Dee McCaffrey
Da Capo Lifelong, $16.99, 419 pages
With the myriad of nutrition, health and weight loss books out there, it’s easy to get confused about which one is giving good advice. The most recent popular wave has been the natural or clean eating movement. Dee McCaffrey is a chemist, nutritionist and nutritional expert and is not new to this niche and has been writing about natural eating for years. This new book appears to be an update from her previous book, Plan-D. In this new book, The Science of Skinny, she gives very thorough information about the importance of eating foods as close to their natural state as possible to promote health, weight loss and general well-being. The information about various chemicals in processed foods is fascinating and, in some cases, shocking. The book also gives specific eating plans for good health. There are some things in the book that were a bit puzzling, such as the promotion of drinking apple cider vinegar water (or Vitality Vinegar Tonic) and having foods with protein powder added, which seems like a fairly processed food substance and eating full-fat milk products. Overall, the reader can get some good information and facts about eating better and feeling better.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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