By Chantel Kelly
Fenicia Press, 338 pages, $16.95
Don’t Let Your Gelato Melt!
Have you been to the Amalfi Coast or ever dreamed of going? Read all about one woman’s Italian adventures in the new book, Gelato Sisterhood on the Amalfi Shore. Author Chantal Kelly is a lifelong traveler and resident of Portland, Oregon. She has travelled for pleasure but also leads groups of tourists around Italy. While Gelato Sisterhood includes memories from past trips, the majority of the story focuses on a tour led by her to the beautiful Amalfi Coast. Her book is an account of a typical travel experience with a group. But this writing is far from typical. Each adventure is packed with detail. When she writes about limoncello, you can almost smell the lemons.
If you have been to the area, the author’s descriptions will bring you right back. Imagine first seeing the panoramic view of the Sorrento Coastline and Capri off in the distance. Relive those moments. The only thing missing, for those who haven’t been there, are pictures. Kelly weaves travel tips throughout her narrative. For example, she shares that the easiest way to adjust to a new time zone is to stay awake as late as possible when you arrive. Fun bits of trivia pop up now and then. Find out the background of the famous melodies “Funiculi Funicula” and “O’ Sole Mio.” Kelly does a nice job of working the history and significance of each location into the book. This is a relaxing and fun read that is certain to inspire more than one trip to the Amalfi Coast.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin
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