By Paul Rogers
Chronicle Books, $14.95, 224 pages
Puzzle books will always be fun, and you would expect movie puzzle books to be even more fun. Name That Movie is a puzzle book with a simple format: each movie is represented by six scenes that are not the most famous and that avoid the stars of the movie. There are one hundred movies representing a wide variety of genres and eras, making for some great inclusions.
This is a book for the die-hard movie fan; anyone else will likely get annoyed by the book early on. It’s not that the movies are incredibly obscure or unknown, but that it requires an intimate knowledge of movies and film history. It makes for a nostalgic walk down memory lane for someone who seriously knows their movie history, but anyone else will probably throw the book down in frustration; then again, a book like this is not made for the casual movie goer. Nonetheless, this is a fun book, and will test your knowledge of what you remember of some truly great movies, and how far back that knowledge goes. If you love movies, this is the book that will annoy you, and you’ll love it for that.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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