By Tom Kendrick, PMP
AMACOM, $19.95, 276 pages
Tom Kendrick’s Results Without Authority: Controlling a Project When the Team Doesn’t Report to You shares strategies, tips and tricks for project managers. The greatest challenge a project manager can face is keeping a team and project on task. This can be difficult when team members do not report directly to project managers. Kendrick believes that three things can keep a project moving forward: project process, influence and metrics or measurement. The first half of the book explores these elements. The second half of the book examines the appropriate time to implement the strategies. Kendrick suggests a no-nonsense, practical approach to managing projects. He gives key ideas at the end of each chapter and uses his experiences as examples. This is a dense book filled with great information. Readers will use it again and again.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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