By Carol Lulu
Graphia, $12.99, 128 pages
It can be interesting to see what girls would do with today’s fashions. The Fashion Coloring Book has over 50 fashions that girls can color, as well as a few other activities, such as Fashion Mad Libs. The book looks at a number of different fashionistas and how they have changed modern fashion, all while giving future fashion designers a crack at the pros, making for some potentially fierce action by those with their own fashion statements to be made.
As a concept, this is a pretty good book; teaching the differences between different brands done in a fun way allows for some basic education when it comes to fashion, especially when coupled with some basic very brief history. However, in execution there are some issues that need to be considered for the next edition. The pictures are a bit simplistic, even for a coloring book, making the differences between two fashion designers almost negligible unless those differences are huge. Also, a coloring book should never be perfect bound; it just limits the amount of coloring space. However, this book will still be a lot of fun by those interested in looking at fashion, making some little girls very happy.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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