by Trudi Canavan
Orbit, $25.99, 518 pages

It is always a bittersweet feeling for readers when a great trilogy or series comes to an end. Trudi Canavan’s book, The Traitor Queen, the final installment in her Traitor Spy Trilogy, is no exception. Picking up where the last book left off, this book again covers multiple story lines. The reader will follow Lorkin’s return from the Traitor’s camp to the king of Sachaka, his mother Sonea being dispatched as a negotiator for the Guild with the Traitors, and Cery, Anyi and Lilia’s unending search for the dangerous rogue magician, Skellin. The book nicely fills out all the questions and plotlines from the previous two novels and completes all the storylines. The characters remain complexly written, and change and grow with events. This is particularly true with Lorkin, who matures from a boy to a man as the book goes on. As with Canavan’s previous trilogy, The Black Magician, this book ends with both sadness and hope, and is a satisfying conclusion.

Reviewed by Barbara Cothern

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