By Julie Andrews and Emma Walton Hamilton and Illustrated by Christine Davenier
Little Brown for Young Readers, $16.99, 32 pages
Weddings can be fun for everyone. The Very Fairy Princess: Here Comes The Flower Girl is all about Gerry’s preparations for her Aunt Sue’s wedding. However, a number of circumstances, including suggestions from her Mom and the weather itself, forces Gerry to change her wedding plans. Gerry learns that sometimes even the very fairy princesses should compromise.
Combination of two things that little girls like, fairies and weddings, makes this book definitely a fun read. It’s showing that the wedding is not only more important than a single individual, but also that everyone must contribute to the event in order to make it run smoothly. Although Gerry is forced to compromise at every turn, in the end she sees that it works out; by the end of the book she is not afraid to compromise, an extremely valuable lesson to learn, especially in an era when women are coming into their own rights. The illustrations are cute. They show Gerry’s attempts to deal with the wedding, starting from what she plans to do to what she actually does. This is a great book for any girl.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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