Sometimes You Need To Ignore the First Layer and Go For The Meat
By Mark Gregston
Thomas Nelson Press, $15.99, 217 pages
Sometimes you need to get past a goofy shell to get the creamy center. Tough Guys and Drama Queens addresses the problem of how to relate to your teen through those hard years in three parts. The first section is how the world of today’s teen is different from that of the past. The second part is what not to do, and the third is all about what to do. Taken as a whole, this is a great book, especially as it’s a book of what to do for teens in general rather than how to deal with teens with problems.
If it weren’t for the first section, this would have gotten at least another star; although the points about social media are well taken, it just seems sort of naïve to say that this is the first generation where sex, drugs, and rebellion have been a problem. However, once past that first section, this book has a lot of great advice for parents, emphasizing building relationships with the teenager rather than punishing or being stricter. For parents looking for a way that saves their hair, this is an incredible book that may lead to better relations between generations.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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