By Katie Ganshert
Waterbrook, $9.99, 316 pages
There seems to be a growing trend in the world of romantic fiction; combining religion and traditional romance plots. This is the case from new author Katie Ganshert, who combines finding faith and romance into one novel. The book takes place in rural Iowa, when Bethany Quinn comes back to town from Chicago. She must attend the funeral of her beloved Grandfather. When she gets back to Chicago, her world is turned upside down after she loses her job. With nothing else she moves in with her best friend. Slowly reawakening to a long buried faith. Along the way she reconnects with her best friend from high school, and slowly falls for Evan Price. The strikingly handsome rancher, who has a past of his own. For a debut novel this is not that bad. While the minor characters are one note, and easily forgotten; the story moves along at a brisk pace. You also really get to know the main characters by the end of the book. Mrs. Ganshert skates by the pitfalls that hurt most first time authors. She is able to combine romance, and faith, into one book and makes it work.
Reviwed by Kevin Winter
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