Photos of a Famed Early 20th Century Photographer
By Edward Weston, Edited By Steve Crist
Ammo 50.00 262 pages
“His photographs have become synonymous with the beauty of the West and California in particular…”
Group f64 was a group of seven notable early 20th century black-and-white photographers who made a drastic departure from the traditional images of the times. Edward Weston was among the founders of this famous group. Weston’s unique photographic style endured the passing of time and the modern styles of subsequent photographers. His images have been published and exhibited over and over again andEdward Weston, 125 Photographs is the latest high-end (and high-priced) publication. Each photograph is on a single page with brief quotes from Weston on the preceding facing page. The photos, 8×6½ inches, are not full pages. The book is in large format with high-quality cloth binding and heavy glossy pages, and photographs are in chronological order. Steve Crist introduced the life and photographic achievements of Weston over four well-written pages. The remainder of the book is the 125 beautiful photos and it ends with Weston’s brief timeline and his selected publications.
Several Amazon reviewers complained about the poor quality of reproduction of the photos, compared to the originals and other published works of Weston. This appears to be a valid criticism. The images are not brilliant and appear too gray and slightly flat.
Reviewed By George Erdosh
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