By Karyn Henley
Waterbrook Press 9.99 256 pages
Karyn Henley continues her Angelaeon series with this book, Eye of the Sword. Trevin, a renegade with a past and who loves the princess, becomes a comain to King Laetham. He still has doubts whether he is fully trusted. But danger is coming to the land. Prince Varic is coming with an offer of peace, but it has a condition of marriage between him and Princess Melaia. To help saved Princess Melaia, and maybe win her heart, Trevin must go on a quest to find the missing comains, find the harps, and consult the Oracle. Along the way, he runs into danger, gets out of trouble, and gets adopted by a royal family as the official heir. He runs into other angels, including his old boss, and is able to find the missing harps to restore the stairway. But he must tread carefully, since he is dealing with immortal creatures that have little regard for those who are mortal.
This is a decent book that moves at a fairly brisk pace, often times too fast to be truly plausible. The action sequences are adequately described, but at times can be a little tough to follow. The characters develop, but not that deeply.
Reviewed By Kevin Winter
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