A Riotously Funny Story of Love and Marriage
By Heather McElhatton
William Morrow Paperbacks 14.99 352 pages
Jennifer Johnson was sure that her life was on track after her perfect wedding to the rich and handsome Brad Keller. Unfortunately, things go downhill starting with the honeymoon (a non-alcoholic resort) and get worse when they return home to find that Brad’s parents have purchased them a house of their own – right next door. As Jennifer works hard to become the perfect wife, she starts realizing that maybe having it all isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.
Jennifer Johnson is Sick of Being Married is a hilarious novel by author Heather McElhatton and a continuation of the Jennifer Johnson books. Jennifer is a very memorable character – funny, smart and a magnet for disaster. The character holds the reader’s interest, both in the funny moments and the embarrassingly painful ones. Being the underdog, she easily becomes a character to root for as she first tries to confirm to her new family’s standards and, ultimately, learns to break free of them. The book is nicely paced throughout and a delight to read. Hopefully this won’t be the last fans have heard of Jennifer Johnson.
Reviewed By Barbara Cothern
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