Lessons on the Worst Trip Ever
By Matt Peterson
Bonneville Books 8.99 96 pages
A hero is defined by what he does, not what happens to him. The worst camping trip ever features in The Epic Tales of A Misfit Hero, as Andrew and his troop must deal with a camping trip in the rain. After hiking for a good ten miles, the boys are sent to their tents right before the rain starts falling, and are woken to the sound of a tree limb crashing onto the tent of their leaders. As the other leader goes for help, the boys must deal with a flooding plain, a bear, and an unconscious man, eventually becoming heroes in their own right.
This is a nice little book. The biggest problem parents may have with this book is that the boys are Mormons, and that it shows how the power of prayer and believing in God can help in a crisis. Boys may dislike the sermonizing and the usual problems when someone is more interested in giving a lesson than telling a story. However, for all of that, this is actually a pretty good story. Once you get past the obvious, boys will definitely sympathize with Andrew, and cheer for him at the end.
Reviewed By Jamais Jochim
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