The Scrapbook of Notre Dame
By Philip J. Riley
Bear Manor Media 24.95 220 pages
The Hunchback of Notre Dameis essentially a scrapbook and for cinephiles only. There are copies of old handbills, production stills of the movie and articles about acting and producing the movie from those who were actually there. There is even an editor’s version of the script with marks all over it. For those who want a feel of how important the movie was back then, as well as an idea of what was omitted, this is a decent book. However, others would hardly enjoy it.
The handbills are so small that reading them is virtually impossible. The script is of incredible importance as the only surviving script, and yet is reproduced here just large enough to see that there is typing. The articles and sheet music are fascinating but they are the only positives in this book. Even the photographs look randomly inserted and almost none are captioned, so it is really hard to determine what order they are in, if any. If you really, really loved the movie and wanted more information on it this would be great, but for even the most ardent cinephile this is more annoying than educational.
Reviewed By Jamais Jochim
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