Monsters Showing Monsters
By Richard Scrivani with Tom Weaver
Bear Manor Media 19.95 240 pages
A book’s reason for being sometimes needs to be allowed for. The Z Files: Treasures from Zacherley’s Archives is a continuation of “Good Night, Whatever You Are!”, acting as a source-book of sorts for newspaper clippings, photos, scripts, and other material that simply did not fit in the previous book. This makes it a great scrapbook for fans of Zacherley’s, as well showing how much fun putting together a low-budget show. For those curious about the backstage of one of those old-fashioned monster shows, there is some great insight given here.
Fans of the show will enjoy this supplementary book. This book would not make it as a standalone book, as it requires too much knowledge of the show itself to really work, but that’s fine; it was intended to back the other show up. Even then there seems to be too many spaces left open, as almost no shots of the cast and people other than Zacherley is shown; some shots of the show and its producers seem to be in order. However, this is still a fun book for fans of the old monster shows, and this is definitely a loving tribute to that.
Reviewed By Jamais Jochim
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