Five Little Bears Try to Go to Sleep
Shirley Parenteau, Illustrated by David Walker
Candlewick Press, $15.99, 32 pages
Five tired bears go to bed, including Big Brown Bear. Big Brown Bear goes to bed first, but Yellow Bear quickly follows. Fuzzy is the next bear to go to bed. Finally Calico and Floppy Bear tumble into bed. Big Brown Bear blows all the bears a kiss and tells them goodnight. All the bears are cozy after the light goes out. But in the middle of the night, a whoosh sound wakes Big Brown Bear. Then there is a rattle and Big Brown Bear turns on the light. All the bears are afraid of the noises that the wind makes and are afraid to stay in their own beds. Big Brown Bear invites them to snuggle in his bed and so all five bears are in one bed and Big Brown Bear “reads them a story about three bears and a pesky girl with golden hair.” Slowly the bears fall asleep again.
Shirley Parenteau’s book is the perfect read for before bedtime. Counting to five can be practiced with this book, too. The drawings of the bears are as cute as can be and for children who get afraid at night, this story will put them a little more at ease with strange noises.
Reviewed By Seniye Groff
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