The History and Science of Magic
By Albert Schafer, Illustrated by David Wyatt and Levi Pinfold
Candlewick Press 19.99 30 pages
For thousands of years, magicians and illusionists have been thrilling people with their feats of the impossible. From conjurers in ancient Egypt to Houdini and David Copperfield, people have loved the thrill of being fooled by their eyes. The book Illusionology captures the history and science of magic in a surprisingly interesting and fun book. It deals with the origins of magic and then goes into various parts of magic shows or tricks, including card tricks, misdirection, levitating, escapes and mind reading. All of this is done in a fabulous format that has original newspaper articles, pop-up pictures and pullout panels with fun facts. The book also includes several tricks that kids can try at home with a few fun props (some trick cards and detachable instructions for basic tricks).
Children who enjoy magic or would like to learn more about it would enjoy this book, and so may their adults!
Reviewed By Barbara Cothern
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