The Sounds of Excellence
By Nate Powell
Microcosm Publishing 18.00 336 pages
This is what comic writers should aspire to. Sounds of Your Name is anthology from Nate Powell, and covers a wide variety of themes. The book is divided into short stories, longer stories, and covers. The short stories are fun quips and statements on the state of affairs, with some nice political commentary thrown in. The longer stories are some very nice storytelling, as Powell allows stories to grow at their own pace, and develops some nice themes. The covers are just some just nice icing on the cake. There are some universal characters, people that change names but have the same basic character design; this adds to a number of different themes and allows him to develop those themes a little more than a single would normally allow.
This is a great trade to read through. Although there are some definite misfires, where the opinion bordered on the cliché and some of the surrealism was a little over the top, overall this is a great book. For those that like their slice of life comics with a little surrealism, this will definitely hit the spot.
Reviewed By Jamais Jochim
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