Great Salt-Free Recipes
By Robyn Webb
Lifelong Books, $17.99, 178 pages
“One of the easiest ways to cut down or eliminate the salt shaker is to use salt-free herb and spice blends.”
In the kitchen, salt is the primary natural flavor enhancer. Most of us consume salt far in excess of our bodies’ needs because of heavily salted processed food. Robyn Webb, a nutritionist, assures that we can get enough salt (i.e. sodium) from natural sources without compromising flavor in her You Won’t Believe It’s Salt-Free! book. She compiled 125 recipes without ever touching the salt shaker (or salt substitutes) using seven salt-free blends you can purchase or blend yourself. In a twenty-two page introduction you will learn everything about the harmful effects of too much salt in your diet and tips for purchasing, storing and growing herbs – Webb’s primary salt substitutes in the recipes. Her recipes, with brief head notes and complete nutritional values, are simple, easy to follow and none of them is particularly time consuming to prepare. They are neatly listed, one or two per page with ingredients, directions, useful sidebars and hints for your convenience. Preparation and cooking times are reasonable for a home cook. Except for twelve color photos bound in the center of the book, she has no illustrations. Ten menu suggestions using her recipes are handy. The index is excellent, well cross referenced.
Reviewed By George Erdosh
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