A Gripping and Grisly Mystery
By Neil Cross
Touchstone, $25.00, 336 pages
Fans of British mystery shows are likely already aware of the series Luther, about an intuitive and brooding detective. This book, Luther: The Calling, is from series creator Neil Cross and is a prequel to the first season in the television series. This book nicely goes into more history of Luther himself, especially detailing his increasingly deteriorating relationship with his wife, Zoe, and his inability to detach himself from his work.
This book is not for the faint of heart, as the murders described are quite graphically violent. The murderer himself is one of the creepiest and disturbing villains in mystery novels to date. Outside of the grisly content, the character of Luther shines through. He is a fascinating character and one that the reader will not tire of before the end of the novel. He is intelligent, focused, and completely unable to deal with issues outside of work, namely his marriage. It’s not necessary to have seen the series before reading this book, but readers will definitely want to watch the show after finishing this novel.
Reviewed By Barbara Cothern
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