Real Irish Food- 150 Classic Recipes from the Old Country5stars



Way Beyond Corned Beef and Cabbage

By David Bowers

Skyhorse Publishing, $24.95, 312 pages

David Bowers is on a mission; a mission to dispel the incorrect myth that Irish food is boring and bland. Bowers is an Irish native married to an American wife. Real Irish Food is designed to succeed in the American kitchen with results of an authentic Irish taste. This comprehensive cookbook is logically divided, starting with pantry basics. Bowers even suggests satisfactory American substitutes for Irish ingredients. For example, the American Granny Smith apple will substitute fine for the Irish apple, the Bramley. Bowers then moves to sources for finding Irish food and ingredients stateside.

Chapters include breakfast items, starters and snacks, stews and chowders, meats, breads, cakes, desserts, beverages and even preserves and jams. Real Irish Food is sprinkled with colorful, full-page photographs and include pictures of the recipe items, as well as, pictures of quintessential Ireland. Recipes are straight forward, easy to follow and use common everyday ingredients. Browse through this book and you will quickly realize that Irish food is much more than potatoes, cabbage and corned beef, but instead a wide array of tempting and tantalizing flavors ranging from meats, to root vegetables s to fish and much, much more. Bowers has made it easy for everyone to transform themselves into lovers of true Irish food.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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