E-readers have landed! iPads, iPhones, Androids, Kindles, Nooks, the list is growing for all the new electronic ways to read. I am often asked if I think paper-printed books are eventually going away and my response is always a most-definite NO! Paper books will never go away completely and I’ll tell you why; when you are snuggled in your warm bed swaddled in your favorite blankets and reading your nighttime book, it’s natural to fall asleep. Your book will gently fall to your chest or quietly to the floor and you tranquilly float away into your dreams. It’s the most wonderful thing. However, when you fall asleep with any e-reader, it bonks you in the head and ruthlessly wakes you back up! That’s why I’ll never give up my paper books!
There is always a place for e-readers like standing in a line somewhere or when you’re waiting for an appointment. A book can be bulky to carry around with you so e-readers do come in handy. But still, there’s nothing better than opening up a new book, smelling the ink and hearing the crack of the spine on that first opening! Don’t limit yourself to one or the other. Enjoy what’s out there but don’t give up the classic book. You’ll sleep better – trust me!
Now, on to other news… Portland Book Review is hosting a Writing Contest from March 1st to June 30th for your short stories! We’re all a buzz here about it and can’t wait to read your work. Check out the details in this edition and on our website at www.portlandbookreview.com.
Also, we’re making some big changes to our Submission Guidelines page and our Sponsored Book Review programs. We’ve dropped the prices and added some additional features to assist you in getting the word out to our viewers on all those thousands of books out there! Be sure to read the Submission Guidelines page on our website for all the deets!
Readers Unite!
M. Chris Johnson