I Miss the Huge Smelt Runs – You Would Limit Out in a No Time
By Julie Stewart
Arcadia Publishing, $21.99, 127 pages
The east side of Portland is full of many interesting towns, and a few cities. The biggest one is Gresham, a city I lived in for several years. One of its smaller neighbors is the town of Troutdale. Right along the Sandy River, and at the mouth of the Columbia River gorge; where the east wind would barrel out of during the winters. In this book from Arcadia Publishing we get to see Troutdale from a small town on the edge of the river, as it grows and thrives and becomes an important point for tourists driving along the Columbia River. From the building of the historic Columbia River Highway, to fishing for smelt on the Sandy River, to the nasty ice storms that would hit; we get to see a town on the rise. While it never got as big as its neighbors, it retains its small town charm next to the big city. By being at the edge of the big city it was able to keep its identity. This book is good for those people who live in the area and will recognize many landmarks, and would get to see the city from an age that has passed.
Reviewed by Kevin Winter
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