Simple and Sweet Sewing Projects for the Nursery
By Rebeccca Shreeve
Barron’s Educational Series, $14.99, 112 pages
Tired of syndicated TV and movie characters ignominiously gracing everything from children’s blankets to bibs to T-shirts? Rebecca Shreeve offers wholesome and charming animal-related alternatives with twenty projects outlined in her book, Nursery Stitch. Shreeve provides templates for decorating T-shirts, towels, and bibs, as well as patterns for stuffed animals, a play mat, a hat and a mobile, among others. The projects are straightforward and uncomplicated, though having basic sewing knowledge would be helpful. Shreeve explains techniques used in the book, such as transferring templates and the various hand stitches, in a separate section at the back. The designs, and the animal motifs in particular, aren’t overly sophisticated and can nearly pass for children’s drawings, but their quaintness and timelessness are what give them value. The book is replete with full-color photos featuring the finished products and adorable children. As indicated by the title, the projects in the book are most appropriate for children around three years of age and younger.
While designing the projects, my aim has been to make original items that will not only be loved by children but cherished by their parents, too.
No child will doubt that anything made from this book was done with love and they will certainly cherish the critter creations long after they leave the nursery.
Reviewed by Andrea Klein
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