The Surfing Dudes Meet the Rockpile crew.
By Don Winslow
Simon & Schuster Paperbacks, $15.00, 338 pages
This book is one in a series by author Don Winslow written around a group of surfing buddies in Pacific Beach, California. The group known as the Dawn Patrol includes; Dave the Love God, High Tide, Johnny Banzai, Hang Twelve (due to an extra toe on each foot) and our central character Boone Daniels. Sunny the surfing goddess of previous books has left for fame and fortune on the professional women’s surfing circuit. Boone is a private investigator as long as it does not take too much time away from his surfing. In this book the beaches are starting to get crowded and the surfers or wannabe surfers are taking over the beaches and not showing proper respect to their fellow beach mates. Boone’s new semi love life is Petra Hall, a beautiful, demanding and persistent junior partner of a local law firm. The murder of a local legend, K2, Kelly Kuhio, Mister Pipeline, the Zen Master and all around good guy, permanently changes the atmosphere of the beach scene. Petra asks Boone to investigate the murder and the obvious suspect, Corey Blasingame, and he refuses due to his long friendship with K2. To her statement that everyone has the right to a defense, Boone replies, “not him”. After much soul searching, Boone is forced to decide between his principles of fair play and his loyalty to his best friends on the Dawn Patrol. I thoroughly enjoyed this read as well as several others of Mr. Winslow’s books.
Reviewed by Brian Taylor
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