Count on a Great Party!
By Janet Schulman, Illustrated by Linda Davick
Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, $6.99, 24 pages
Celebrate Valentine’s Day in style this year and help beginning readers learn how to count at the same time. Author Janet Schulman’s delightful book //10 Valentine Friends// features a diverse case of characters making valentines for their closest pals. These neighbors know how to have a good time! Everyone brings something to the party. Alex has a plate of cooking and Tom supplies a role of heart stickers. Linda Davick’s illustrations are colorful and packed with fun details to find. Can you spot the tiny mouse with his eyes on the plate of cookies? Who keeps eating the cake? On each right-hand page, there is a count down that keeps track of all the valentine cards being made. Pam draws a fairy who flies for Priscilla. Annie Lee draws a squiggly slug for Pete (who love bugs!). Written in rhyme, the book is fun to read aloud. All characters in the story gets a card (even the baby!) and it serves as a good reminder that when passing out valentines, it is nice to make one for each kid. Whether at a family or school party, be kind and involve everyone. If you enjoy reading this book, look for the very same funny friends in //10 Easter Egg Hunters// and other holiday counting books.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin
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