Facing Dangers On and Off the Race Track
By Tammy Kaehler
Poisoned Pen Press, $24.95, 302 pages
At a Road America race in Wisconsin, race car driver Kate Reilly was leading the field when she was involved in an accident that injured a popular NASCAR driver making a special appearance. When his fans reacted with anger and insults to female drivers, Kate answered in kind – on camera. Later that evening, after meeting friends at a tavern, Kate was walking to her car when she saw her boyfriend kneeling over the body of her friend. In the days following, she received death threats and further attacks on her ability as a driver, especially from an anonymous blogger writing about racing. Questions arose about whether she was the target when her friend was killed.
Author Tammy Kaehler began her career writing marketing materials, feature articles, executive speeches and technical documentation. While working in corporate marketing she was introduced to the racing world, which inspired the Kate Reilly series. She lives in Los Angeles with her husband.
This second Kate Reilly book is similar to the first in many ways; in both Kate is a murder suspect battling the male-only attitudes of the racing world. The technical and detailed descriptions of racing, however, become tedious. A few different suspects can add to the complexity of a story, but here we have a dozen, which does not enhance the tale.
Reviewed by Fran Byram
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