Looking for Love in All the Decidedly Wrong Places
By Alan Martin & Jim Mahfood
Titan Books, $19.95, 160 pages
The best thing about Tank Girl is the preaching through anarchy. This ensures that Everybody Loves Tank Girl, well, except for a certain small boy. This is all of the usual randomness you would expect from Tank Girl, with commentary ranging from the evil of corporations to the stupidity of following the newest fads. The framing sequence is a virtually random sequence where Tank Girl has been forced to babysit a crude little boy who seems to do nothing but make the situation worse. Overall, it is a fun little tromp through post-apocalyptic Australia with everyone’s favorite little nihilist.
The art is strangely inconsistent, and gets downright schizophrenic at times, which is sort of weird to mention when we’re discussing Tank Girl, but the difference between sections is that noticeable. The writing seems a little spotty, rather than the usually spot on attack. This has more the feel of two people dating rather than an actual marriage, but it is some serious dating so there is some hope should they continue to collaborate. This is a good book with some decent satire and some great jokes if you are paying attention, making it a great comic for those interested.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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