Lead Now5stars



A Wealth of Coaching That Typically Takes Years to Learn

By John Parker Stewart

Leadership Excellence, $29.95, 244 pages

John Parker Stewart is an internationally recognized leadership coach with 35 years of experience in executive development, team performance and leadership coaching.  Mr. Stewart created a leadership tool named LEAD NOW! Leadership Development Model.  This book is co-authored with his son Daniel J. Stewart, who is an organizational development consultant and coach.  The model was created to provide a simple and comprehensive framework for leaders to use as they lead their teams. This book dissects and explains Stewart’s 21 Dimensions of leadership. There are six chapters which include; How to use LEAD NOW!, the LEAD NOW! Model, 21 Leadership Dimensions, Assessments, Leadership Exercises and Action Planning. The four main components to the model are four perspectives for leaders:  their people, their business, their marketplace and their organization. The four quadrants are color coded for easy recognition. It also contains note pages where the reader can write down ideas as he reads.

The book begins with a self-assessment for the four quadrants and then breaks down the dimensions listed under each quadrant. There is also a self-assessment for each dimension. As is typical with Stewart’s books, there is a place for reflection and specific questions to ponder. The book then explains each dimension such as; effective communication, problem solving or time management and offers tips for each criterion. Each dimension also includes references, a self-assessment, action planning notes and several questions to answer. Chapter Five covers five leadership exercises which help a leader with additional tools for the various situations he might face as he leads his team. Chapter Six is all about action plans and includes an example of a completed action plan, as well as, blank action plans for the reader to complete.

LEAD NOW! is not a book to be read quickly, but instead a book to be viewed like a conversation with a mentor or personal coach. This book demands reflection and thoughtful introspection but will reward the reader with a wealth of knowledge, insight and growth that typically takes years to develop. Keep this book close to you, visit it often and give it the time and reflection it deserves, if you truly want to develop your leadership skills.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

These timeless books are available from www.JohnParkerStewart.com/stewart-leadership-series/