Mom, I'm Not a Kid Anymore Navigating 25 Inevitable Conversations That Arrive Before You Know It4stars



Some Help with your Baffling Preteen

By Sue Sanders
The Experiment Publishing, $14.95, 191 pages

Mom, I’m Not a Kid Anymore is a resource for any parent perplexed by their preteen.  Sue Sanders decided to write this book when she realized that her network of other moms had dwindled. Her support system and mom-community that was prevalent when her daughter, Lizzie, was a baby disappeared. She just did not have the same type of relationship with the other parents of preteen kids. Sanders’ book is not based on years of research or suggestions from “experts”. Sanders has a common sense approach and this book is based on personal stories of when Sanders was growing up, coupled with present-day stories of Lizzie. Sanders takes on simplistic topics such as, “Telephone for you, Lizzie” to, “Mom, have you ever smoked marijuana?”

Sanders’ book is divided into three parts:  expected but surprising conversations, modern family talk and everything in between and reviews 25 different dialogues. This book reads like a conversation with your friend and offers one perspective of how to approach your baffling preteen. There are nuggets of wisdom which you can then apply to your specific situation, as well as, your child’s personality.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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