A Fun and Educational Pop-Up Book
By Mark Haines and Keith Finch
Kingfisher, $16.99, 9 pages, 4 stars
Pop-up books are a long-time favorite of kids. It’s always fun to see what is going to pop out on each page. Some pop-up books are better than others, of course. Luckily, Popposites: The Pop-Up Opposites Book! is one of the fun pop-up books. Popposites combines the fun of a pop-up book with learning about opposites. Each page displays a topic or item and shows it’s opposite in both picture and word form. Some of the topics are: modern and ancient, wet and dry, slow and fast, tame and wild, and visible and invisible. The pop-up features of the book are fun and have a nice variety of actual pop-up versus slider pictures. Some of the pop-up features are very creative in how the opposite is revealed (a personal favorite is the open and closed page). This book is a great starter book for younger children to start learning about opposites in a fun way.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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