A Fitting End to a Wonderful Trilogy
By Erin Hoffman
PYR, $18.00, 307 pages, 4.5 stars
Vidarian Rulorat hoped that his safety at the court of Calphille would last. However, the war with the Alorean Import Company is becoming more widespread and deadly. Vidarian, his partner Ariadel and their infant daughter must leave if the court is to find allies in the war and bring peace to the world. With an ever-increasing sense of dread and destiny, Vidarian must learn the secret plan of the company and the elementals before it is too late.
Shield of Sea and Space is the much-anticipated conclusion in author Erin Hoffman’s Chaos Knight trilogy, and it is a fitting end for the characters that readers have come to love. Gryphons Altair and Khalesh are back, of course, and it is particularly poignant to experience Altair’s crisis of faith about his goddess. The air fights and battles with the company and nemeses Ruby and Justinian are exciting and thrilling. Overall, this final installment ends the story exactly how it should: with bravery, passion and a few tears. This is a wonderful trilogy and sci-fi fans who haven’t yet read it are definitely missing out.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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