The Pocket Small Business Owner's Guide to Building Your Business4stars



Owning Your Own Business Just Got a Little Easier with this Comprehensive Guide

By Kevin Devine

Allworth Press, $14.95, 243 pages

Devine’s The Pocket Small Business Owner’s Guide to Building Your Business is a comprehensive guide to getting your business started in the right way. I loved that the order of the book mimicked the same order of information you needed to get your business started. Each chapter ends with a “Nail It!” section which are action items to keep track of and to do. This guide is part workbook, part guide and tons of resources and information. The content is varied and includes understanding financials, determining your legal entity, setting your prices and protecting intellectual property.

The book is organized logically and written in an easy, conversational style. This book does not try to be the authority on the varied topics, but instead, gives you basic information and suggests when contacting an expert would be wise.   Devine suggests you consider why you are going into your own business, in the first place. After all, many businesses fail, so asking the right questions will set the prospective business owner on the right track from the very beginning of their self-employment adventure. As a small business owner myself, I wish I had stumbled upon this guide in the beginning of my business formation.

Reviewed by Seniye Groff

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