Looking For Tips in All the Right Places
By Larry Silverberg
Limelight Editions, $22.99, 400 page
Acting is one of those disciplines where the artists forget the basic lessons all too often. True Acting Tips gives an actor some great tips on how to act and how to live. Based on the blog written by Larry Silverberg, the book covers not only the basics of acting, but tells an actor how to become a better actor. There are also bits of advice on how to become a better person as well. The book doesn’t promise that you will become better, but it is a good start.
This is an ideal book for someone who can’t sit down for long reading pleasure material. Each chapter is short enough to read in a few minutes, and it’s just big enough to fit in a purse or book bag. It is a great read; each chapter has some good advice followed by a fun quote. Although the graphics may be a bit annoying, they fit the book’s tone rather well. This is a book that you will likely read, and then either put where you can easily reach it, or pass it on to someone you see having problems with the craft.
Reviewed by Jamais Jochim
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