A Thrilling and Sexy Vampire Tale
By Jeaniene Frost
Avon, $7.99, 373 pages
Leila thought she had found eternal love with her love, Vlad. However, despite him giving her everything, she wants more: his love. Broken-hearted but determined, Leila returns to the carnival circuit to try to reclaim her old life. However, a killer with knowledge of Leila and her power soon has her running for her life – and back to Vlad. She must race to find the killer before he finds her – and before she loses her heart completely.
Twice Tempted is the latest installment in the Night Prince series by author Jeanine Frost and it is the best yet. Filled with the author’s trademark humor, the book is funny, sexy and thrilling. Leila’s character is a great combination of strength, determination and vulnerability. Vlad is, as always, sexy, dangerous, and powerful. Favorite characters Cat and Bones also make an appearance, a delight for fans of their series. Readers of paranormal romance should not miss this book or this series.
Reviewed by Barbara Cothern
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