Slow Start for Where We Belong
By Emily Giffin
Thomas Dunne Books, $27.99, 372 pages
Where We Belong, the most recent release from author Emily Giffin, bestselling author of beloved books like Something Borrowed and Something Blue, introduces readers to a high powered executive woman living in New York City. It seems this woman has everything—power, relationships, success, wealth, and stability. Of course, this changes dramatically when Marian Caldwell opens the door to Kirby Rose one late night. Kirby, an 18-year-old girl, is the result of a fling from Marian’s former life. The teen storms into Marian’s life and knocks everything that was in perfect order to the ground, forcing Marian to reconsider everything from relationships and lifestyle to career paths.
Compared to Giffin’s other books, this novel has a slow pace with seventy pages of exposition and no real motivation to read onward. As soon as Kirby arrives though, the book is dramatically more exciting. Each page is filled with stressful situations and disaster that leads to Marian coming to a peaceful conclusion that she wants something different with her life. These remaining 200 pages are filled with page turning anticipation as to what comes next, and heartfelt emotions that will make you reconsider your own life.
Reviewed by Sophie Sestero
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