Biscuit Finds Fun in the Garden
By Alyssa Satin Capucilli, Illustrated by Pat Schories
Harper, $3.99, 32 pages, 4 stars
Biscuit in the Garden, by Alyssa Satin Capucilli, is an I Can Read book with small, basic words and whimsical drawings for your little reader. Biscuit goes into the garden and finds many things, such as flowers, plants, a butterfly and even a worm.
While Biscuit is digging in the garden, a bird flutters by. The little girl with Biscuit thinks the bird might be hungry and so she brings out the birdseed. As she is pulling out the food, two more birds arrive. Biscuit then finds the birdseed bag and gets inside. The birdseed spills everywhere, which draws even more birds to the garden. The garden is soon filled with many, many birds.
Your little reader will love the sweet, colorful drawings that easily help her to follow along with the story. The words are easy to sound out and there is some counting involved when the birds arrive. As the weather turns and gardening in the yard becomes a possibility, your little reader will be able to imagine what she can do in her own garden.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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