Pearls of Friendship
By Stephan Pastis
Andrews McMeel Publishing, $9.99, 96 pages
Author and cartoonist Stephan Pastis has published an inspiring Self-Help book on friendship, containing poignant pictures accompanied by thought provoking witticisms. At first glance, this little book looks like something one would find at their local Hallmark Gift Shop, then you remember that Stephan Pastis is the author of Pearls Before Swine, a cartoon that is famous for its wisecracking, self-absorbed, and often violent animals.
The witticisms soon reveal themselves to be more thought provoking than thoughtful, and then this book becomes a laugh-out-loud inspirational gift that only a true friend would appreciate. But how many true friends can a sociopath have? Perhaps if you read Friends Should Know When They’re Not Wanted: A Sociopath’s Guide to Friendship, you will discover the answer.
Reviewed by Rachelle Barrett
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