A Celebration of Dads
By Luciana Navarro Powell
Robin Corey Books, $7.99, 24 pages
Little kids with boundless amounts of energy are always looking for the next best thing to play with…or on. That’s where Dad comes in! This adorable board-book, titled My Dad is the Best Playground, by Luciana Navarro Powell, is a sweet testament to the special relationship between children and their fathers.
When Dad gets home from work, the real fun begins: brother and sister run into his arms for big hugs and kisses. When he flings sister up in the air, Dad makes the best swing. As brother scrambles up his back, Dad is the greatest climbing wall. On all fours, with an arched back, Dad is the longest, coolest tunnel. Want to climb on the monkey bars, ride the seesaw, or jump on a trampoline? Dad to the rescue! He is a bucking bronco and a merry-go-round. Find out what Dad is the best at after playtime has ended and sleepy time draws near.
Beautiful, vibrant illustrations are filled with color and humor that children and parents will enjoy. The book’s sturdy pages will hold up to lots of rereads. This is a perfect gift for a new dad excited to discover one of the precious moments of fatherhood…serving as the world’s best jungle-gym.
Reviewed by Kathryn Franklin
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