Suffering from First World Problems? Find Out What to Do About It
By Craig Kielburger & Marc Kielburger
Greystone Books, $9.95, 150 pages
The hilarious yet educational Canadian publication My Grandma Follows Me on Twitter lists common “first world problems” that the average fortunate citizen finds himself complaining about now and then. Some of these first world problems include such petty complaints as: “I can’t hear the TV over the sound of my mom vacuuming” and “The sunshine is so bright that I can’t see the movie on my tablet.” After listing the first world problem the reader is provided with a “did you know?” fact that makes the problem hardly valid and then a “what you can do” option to go with whichever fact was listed.
Another great thing about this fun book is that half of the profits go to the charity organization Me to We. This book would make an undoubtedly excellent gift. The only downside to this marvelous book of charity ideas is that most of them are in Canada (since the book was written by two Canadian brothers). You would have to do your own research to find similar American charities – but don’t complain that it will take too much time or your complaint might end up in their next book!
Reviewed by Andrea Franke
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