The Cutest Ballerina Book
By Joan Holub, Illustrated by Shelagh McNicholas
Random House Children’s Books, $3.99, 26 pages
Ballet Stars is a Step Into Reading book for Step 1 readers. There is a ballet show today so everyone must get ready by getting dressed in their ballet garb, do their stretches and bends, jump, and point their toes. When the show begins, the dancers see their friends and families. The dancers smile and twirl, bow and blow kisses. They are all ballet stars.
This book has lots of rhyming words that are repetitive. The beautiful drawings give clues to the words on the pages and what is happening in the story. Your child will want to read this book over and over again. There is also a bonus of two sticker pages at the end of the book.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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