Not Your Typical Romance Novel
By Dani Pettrey
Bethany House Publishers, $14.99, 320 pages
Brimming with romance, suspense, faith, and forgiveness, Submerged is a superbly written debut novel from Dani Pettrey that will satisfy readers of nearly any genre. Submerged is a story about Bailey Craig, a woman with a less-than-reputable past from small-town Yancey, Alaska. Bailey promises to never return to the past that haunts her, but when her only living relative is killed in a plane crash, she is obligated to return to Yancey for the funeral. Soon, murders begin to take place around town and Bailey discovers that her aunt’s death was no accident. Bailey becomes instrumental in solving the crimes and does so with the help of her former flame, Cole McKenna, and his family.
Pettrey has written an outstanding first novel filled with a group of loveable characters that will leave readers craving the next installment. She is adept at building a wide array of characters and personalities that are easy to connect with. The delivery of Bailey’s struggles, such as coming to Faith to seek forgiveness, give the novel a classification beyond mere romance, making it a fresh and optimistic look into love that places it outside the bounds of stereotypical lustful novels. Pettrey is sure to be a success.
Reviewed by Lindy Gervin
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