Once Upon a Little Golden Book
By Jana Christy
Golden Books, $3.99, 24 pages
The Little Golden Book series is synonymous with childhood fairy tales. Created in 1942 to be sturdy, high-quality books available to all children, they have not changed their style since. They are the perfect shape to trundle into a car and set on a lap for an extended ride. They are the perfect length to hold the attention of the very young and sometimes difficult to catch. The newest classic to be released is The Princess and the Pea. This short and sweet love story is essentially a tale about finding the one perfect person to match the ideals of another. Illustrations by Jana Christy give new life and humor to this classic tale. There is nothing like a Little Golden Book to give sweet dreams to budding princes and princesses once they lay upon their (hopefully pea-free) mattresses.
Reviewed by Rachelle Barrett
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