Gunn’s Style Secrets
By Tim Gunn with Ada Gunn Calhoun
Gallery Books, $28.00, 288 pages
Tim Gunn is probably best known for his role as co-host and mentor on Heidi Klum’s reality show “Project Runway.” But over the years, he has put his knowledge about fashion and design down on paper and has written several successful books. His newest book is Time Gunn’s Fashion Bible: The Fascinating History of Everything in Your Closet. His book covers clothes and styles ranging from an 1899 corset to Madonna’s coned bra. He examines JFK’s relaxed style and Justin Bieber’s hair and vests. His 20 chapters cover suits, pants, shoes, sweaters, hats, belts, ties, scarves and everything in between. His writing is full of sassy and sarcastic remarks and quick wit. Gunn offers useful tips and tricks, such as a guide to help women find the proper bra size. The included images are fun, especially the 1906 “How to tie a tie” photo. Fashionistas, fans of Tim Gunn and people interested in the history of design and style will devour this book. Gunn writes with pizzazz and humor. Every home should have this bible.
Reviewed by Elizabeth Franklin
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