Yes, Let's5stars



Yes, Let’s Inspire Children to Play Outdoors

By Galen Goodwin Longstreth & Maris Wicks
Tanglewood Publishing, $15.95, 32 pages

Yes, Let’s, by Galen Goodwin Longstreth and Maris Wicks, follows a family from the dawn of a new day until the stars come out that night. The day starts as a troupe of four children and the family dog come in to wake up their parents and ask to go on an adventure out of town.

The family packs up their picnic baskets, backpacks and boots and is off to go on a hiking adventure. When they hike to the river, all the kids splash and play. They eat their picnic lunch before hiking back to their car, and the kids plead to stay a little longer. The book finishes with the children falling into a deep, well-deserved sleep and dreaming about going on the adventure again.

Yes, Let’s is the perfect children’s book to keep in the car for long drives on the way to adventures. Children ages two to six are sure to love the illustrations as well as the melodic, short rhymes on each page. Be prepared to quickly read a simple line about packing a picnic lunch but pause a few minutes for children to study the active illustrations and identify each and every different scene.

The book will inspire children to appreciate and explore the great outdoors and to enjoy family time spent in nature in addition to spending time inside. Yes, Let’s is timely, too, as summer is on the way.

Reviewed by Sophie Sestero

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