By Renee Evenson
Amacom, $15.00, 294 pages
Powerful Phrases for Effective Customer Service should be required reading for anyone working in a customer service role. Author Renee Evenson has worked in customer service management for over 30 years and this book is a compilation of all her knowledge and experience. Evenson contends that action coupled with the right words will result in successful customer interactions. Part one of the book covers various phrases that demonstrate courtesy, rapport and empathy. The second part of the chapter examines actions that reinforce those phrases. Part two includes over 30 different scripts for every possible customer interaction, both positive and negative. Evenson describes each customer scenario with great detail including the situation, some identifying behaviors of the customer, a “Do This!” story, a “Why this works” analysis and finally tips on applying the suggested approach. Evenson also covers 20 different situations when a customer service person commits a gaffe such as saying something tactless. Evenson’s final chapter encompasses phrases for social media interactions.
“Powerful Phrases + Actions = Successful Customer Interactions”
Evenson has written an invaluable resource for customer service providers that can be referred to repeatedly. She suggests appropriate, effective behaviors that will improve any customer service interaction. The social media chapter is not as robust as the others, and beefing this section up is the one improvement I would suggest. Otherwise, this book is one you will want to keep handy when customer interactions run afoul or you just want to review how you handled a situation.
Reviewed by Seniye Groff
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